Wellesley Coalition to Save Darfur

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wellesley Residents Attend Rally at State House

A group of concerned citizens in Wellesley attended an important rally Tuesday, July 25, at 10:30 AM at the State House in Boston. The rally was in support of Senate 2166 bill, an important piece of state legislation which would enable the state of Massachusets to prevent its public pension funds from investing in foreign companies whose revenues support the genocidal government of Sudan.

Hopefully, and especially if enough constituents raise their voices, this bill will come before the State Senate for quick passage before its session ends at the end of July. If you wish to be heard by your legislator on this important issue, please write or call your elected officials. Their contact information can be found at http://www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.php. For sample letters and/or phone scripts, please contact Susan at susanm@clarksna.com