Wellesley Coalition to Save Darfur

Friday, July 21, 2006

Wellesley Coalition Gains Momentum

We welcome all members of the Wellesley community who are concerned about this issue to join our coalition by sending us their name to add to our membership list.

Current members include:

Blair Adams, Caroline Beimford, Amy Bisno, Bonni Carson DiMatteo, Melanie Dolan, Maria Garpestad, Stephanie Giglotti, Michael and Laura Gilman, Sarah Grant, Maggie Grzecki, Johanna Hudgens, Anne Kent, Nelson Klein, Marsha Mirkin, Susan, Julia and Caroline Morgan, Jan Reiss, Daina Ruback, Katrina Sereiko, Molly Stark, Catherine Vandeveld, Bev Weinberg, Gary Welsh, Katie Wingate.